Thursday, November 16, 2006

Hoyer wins, Murtha and Pelosi lose

I'm glad to see that Steny Hoyer ended up winning, despite Speaker Pelosi's intervention. I don't know much about the guy, and I don't really care about the appearances factor of changing her stance from neutral to supportive, but it was just done in such a shady way and flew in the face of the bold First 100 Hours commitments:

"Our New Direction begins with a commitment to integrity, civility, and fiscal responsibility."

Hopefully she'll get the message... the 2006 elections showed that we want to support you. Now don't blow it.

In the meantime, there's an interesting article about how Blue Dog Democrats were the real winners... not knowing what Blue Dog Democrats are, I looked them up in Wikipedia. I like the concept, but with Gary Condit as one of the notable members, I'm not sure it's the group for me. Better than either of the two typical party lines though...

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