Sunday, December 02, 2007

Foot soldiers for the Ron Paul revolution

Paulites tend to be tech-savvy, tired of traditional politics and suspicious of their government and the mainstream media.
True, but with good reason.  From a forum post:
Does anyone, especially anti-Paulers, think that the media's treatment of him has been fair? That they've treated him how the candidate with more volunteers and donations from active-duty personnel than any other in the race, Republican or Democrat, should be treated in the media?

Please respond if you think Paul has been treated fairly as candidate, and why you think that the media, not the people, should decide who is and isn't a viable candidate.

Anyway, other highlights from the article:
He formed the Pasadena group for Ron Paul 2008 in March and put a link on Paul's website to help others start meetup groups. "It was quickly just bombarded," said Dumas, 51. "People began starting their own meetups all over the country."
Yoga teacher Steven Vincent, 42, finished a brisk series of announcements about his many initiatives for Paul (including video webcasts he delivers each weekday from his Studio City living room at with the coup de grace: a march on Dec. 16, the anniversary of the Boston Tea Party.
Vincent beamed as he envisioned a procession through Santa Monica, with participants toting mock tea crates, labeled "welfare state," "IRS" and such. (The event will coincide with another Paul money bomb, which volunteers hope will raise $10 million online in a single day.)
(I've been watching the momentum, and I actually think he'll fall significantly short of $10 million on that day.  I would consider it a pleasant surprise if I were wrong, though)
Zephyr Teachout, director of online organizing for Howard Dean
Unlike Dean, who had five organizers shepherd meetup groups with agendas and regular conference calls, the Paul chapters are "completely decentralized," according to Kerri Price, a Paul spokeswoman.
Paul volunteers take pride in making their own rules. "Authority," said one young man at the start of the Pasadena meetup, "will never be true."
"What's happening right now is a paradigm shift in American politics. These divisions -- Democrat-Republican, conservative-liberal -- are breaking down . . . because there is really no distinction any more between the parties."
I would disagree with this too - I would say the problem is that the distinctions that do exist are ones that aren't as important to the greatness of our country as the distinctions that should be there.


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