Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Pelosi: President's Policy is a Path to 10 More Years of War in Iraq

Wow, great statement Nancy!  Here are a bunch of forum quotes I wholeheartedly agree with (she's almost my new Alberto Gonzales :-P):
She has some nerve. She's pointing her finger at Bush, yet she won't consider impeachment? She deserves to have her head on the chopping block as much as the rest of them. The law has a word for what she is: Accessory, accessory to an illegal war and the murder of innocent civilians.
That Speaker of yours is one sharp cookie. Bush has been stringing your "leaders" along like a puppet master. The incredible part is the whole time he'sbeen doing it to them, they have been calling him incompetent and an idiot. NOW, who's the idiot? That would be YOU.
Person 1: Unless the word is IMPEACHMENT, I don't wanna hear a word out of her mouth.
Person 2: I'm a democrat, and yes it sucks that Pelosi does not want to pursue impeachment. The question first came to her in a pre 2006 election interview when the dems seemed to be picking up steam in the midst of republican hubris. The question was posed to try and put Pelosi in a pickle...If she answered yes, she would lose many of the republican swing voters that were essential to the 2006 democratic victory. She chose to say no which is a shame, but in the end completely necessary because if she said she would impeach bush in that pre-election interviews, republican pundits would have latched onto that statement and divebombed the democratic chances for 2006.  It sucks when politicians have to stray from their ideologies to garner votes from the other side of the aisle, but those little miniscule trade-offs can mean more power in the hands of your party to deal with incompetent politicians in other ways.
Person 3:I agree, your party has perfected pandering beyond all others. But she is in power now and has been for a while with no forward movement.
Well then DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. The people elected your sorry asses to congress and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED. You useless democrats haven't amounted to jack squat; people are still dying in iraq, soldiers are still being sent there, and as always your spineless selves are coming through as expected. Enough lip service, get busy.
Person 1: She is worthless as a speaker... we need someone up there that is willing to go toe to toe with Bush's cronies... instead we got a parrot.
Person 2: Could not agree more. Cannot name one accomplishment Pelosi and her cohorts have delivered that I care about. All smoke and no fire across the board.
So, Nancy, is IMPEACHMENT ON YOUR TABLE YET? It's been on everyone else's for months now.  At this point, not impeaching these imbecilic, greedy chickenhawks will cost the Dems votes next year, and the longer Pelosi and Reid wait, the more votes will go away.  There are mountains of evidence to throw in these bastards' faces. They lied to Congress, for shit's sake.
No Impeachment? Pelosi gets to look for a new job after the next election.
I sense another strongly-worded, non-binding resolution coming on. That'll show them, Mrs. Speaker!
She is correct...she is also in a position to do something about it...
So, Nancy?
Her total lack of action makes one wonder what would happen once we elect a democrat president.

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