Saturday, September 08, 2007

Bush goes into gaffe overdrive

The good news is, we're now officially down to only 500 more days of Bush being President - what could possibly go wrong?  
I really can't imagine mistakenly thinking you were attending an OPEC summit in Australia (or Austria, for that matter!), and yet this is who is entrusted with leading our country.  It comes back to that "failed out of high school" comment I made previously (though somehow, Bush is actually the first President who's held an MBA - which tarnishes the spirit for the rest of us!).
It similarly reminds me of the quote by Ann Richards about Bush Sr. - "born with a silver foot in his mouth" or something like that. 
--> I tracked it down, here's that speech, a lot of which could easily be re-used today for GWB:
Some select comments from the web that I agree with:
Am I the only one that pictures Bush acting like Stifler from American Pie, when he goes to all these foreign events?
"Hey all you silly Austrians! Glad to be at this event... the um... whatever the hell you call it, I don't really give a shit, I was lying anyways. Hey, why don't you all send some troops to Iraq like my other bitches do? Oh yea, and don't scratch my jet, it's worth more than your GDP."
Wait, NOW he's making Americans look bad to the rest of the world..?
*sigh* ... For fuck's sakes, man...
i'm not even sure what to say here.... just sheer disappointment.
Jesus, wasn't this a joke in Dumb & Dumber? And this is the president of our country.
--> The supermodel was from Austria and Jim Carrey's character said, "Austria! well put another shrimp on the barbie." Similar to Bush's gaffe, except in reverse.
OMFG OMFG OMFG. Thank god I voted against him every fucking time, including his runs for governor in Texas. Everyone who did vote for him should have themselves neutered, for the sake of humanity.
I know people make mistakes, but he's the FUCKING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!!! This is just embarrassing.
I'm not from the US. My political leanings are toward Republicans though two party races are never nuanced enough to represent my beliefs. Anyway, I just want to say that George Bush is an embarrassment to the modern era.

Wasn't this a joke in dumb and dumber? Like, I laughed a lot in 1994 when a comic buffoon made such an obvious mistake. Well, I'm not laughing now.
How can this guy be leader of the USA? It's incredible really...I'm speechless.

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