Saturday, August 04, 2007

Tancredo: Threaten to bomb Muslim holy sites in retaliation

Wow - this is just brilliant.  While I thought the recent cockfight between Barack and Hillary about who would be more willing to nuke a Muslim country was ludicrous (hint: it's Hillary), this goes one further.  This would without a doubt rile up every Muslim in the world, extremist or no (along with any countries who think the U.S.'s cavalier nuking just might not be a good thing).
But hey, maybe that's it - if people really think Islam is the key problem, then with this approach we could bring them all (and our quickly-determined non-allies) on in one fell swoop without all the pussyfooting around.  So what are we waiting for, let's start blowing up world-renowned holy sites to get things under control!!!
It's a good thing that there's at least one candidate farther behind in the polls than Ron Paul, and that that candidate is Tom Tancredo. 
This is also the exact reason I registered to become a Republican - on the one hand (the Democrats), there's a bunch of players who at worst could end up being completely ineffective as President.  On the other hand (the Republicans), there's a bunch of players who could quickly bring about mutually-assured destruction - oh, and one who at worst could end up being completely ineffective as President. 
I want to make sure that I'm doing my part to avoid mutually-assured destruction, and I think that should be a pretty high agenda item in the 2008 elections.

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