The link to the source article is below if you can't handle non-mainstream commentary, but I also think the points made there were worth reading:
Everything that my country supposedly is and was, stood for then and now, is all slowly disintegrating in a fire that no one seems capable enough of putting out. This sort of corruption goes from deep within our military, our justice department, our Congress, and right up to the President himself. This sort of corruption would have a hard time being rooted out from the government even if there were a Stalin-esque purge. This sort of corruption will become a mortal wound to what it means to be American if left untreated.
It is scary to entertain the thought that the country you are a citizen of has suddenly become the bad guy - that you're on the wrong side of this, whatever this is. Looking across the field at the enemy, what adds to the depression is the notion that in this situation there are no good guys. Who's leading the charge for freedom, human rights, and all that lovely stuff that I was told we once were champions of. Who's waging that battle? Who's answering that call?
Where do we as a people, as a supposedly superior society, where do we go from here? How do we change this? Who do we hold accountable and how?
What kind of a nation have we become, when we sink to the depths of all we claim to hate - when we finally became what we beheld?
Source article:
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